Monday, December 10, 2012

Running a Marathon (Part 1)

     Have you ever run a marathon?  My husband and daughter ran a 5K once; they completed it in 45 minutes.  Unfortunately, I had to miss out on the fun.  The toilets really needed cleaning.  It was very impressive to hear their story about perseverance and pacing to finish the race, albeit even though they did not finish at any record time.  “That’s really awesome!” I proclaimed in pride at their accomplishment.
      “Not really,” Sydni replied.  “The winner finished in 20 minutes while pushing a double stroller with two babies inside.”  At least she was honest. 
     Life has marathons much like the literal events.  To win we need to persevere, pace ourselves, and do all we can to prepare our bodies and minds for the race.  My sweet friend, Melissa, and her husband, Fletcher, are running one of those marathons right now.  In fact, they are symbolically running the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure;  Melissa (Mouse) and Fletcher are forging their way through the marathon of chemotherapy after she had a malignant tumor removed a few months ago. 
     I’m amazed at the perseverance of these two people.  At the onset of the diagnosis, both turned their incomprehensible faith on full force as a model for the rest of us in accepting the results of the biopsy.  Immediately, they began pacing their lives for the reality of what was to come.  Now, in the midst of this marathon, they battle every couple weeks the tortures of the chemo.  Just as a marathon has those moments of struggle where the runner is unsure of completion, so too is the race Melissa and Fletcher are enduring.  Yet through it all, they post comments such as their “Daily Thankfuls” and updates that always include a reference to how good God is to help them through this incredibly difficult time.
     Recently, Fletcher wrote, I'm really very fortunate. Even in the midst of all her suffering, my best friend, Melissa, still consciously takes the time to think about, & demonstrate her love for me. To be valued is one of our fundamental, primary needs as people. Everywhere I look I see people declaring Mouse & I are valuable by their presence, thoughts, donations, helps, phone calls & emails. It's a good day.”  Their Facebook pages are deluged with prayers and blessings from family, friends, and now even strangers. 
     As a bystander, I’m truly amazed at the outpouring on this young couple.  God is in charge of this, no matter what the outcome.  To see His love radiate through the beautiful photos of Mouse and Fletcher as they struggle on with this marathon, to read the prayers from loved ones, to see the posts of encouragement and joy at the smallest miracles along the way … all of these and so much more are the miracles we often overlook in such a heartbreaking time.  I’ve found myself begging God to bring the miracle of healing to Melissa, and I truly believe He can do this.  Lately, though, I’ve struggled with this question:  “Do I really believe He WILL do this for them?”  I think this might be the greatest leap of faith we all encounter, yet never really understand.  I know God can do anything He wants.  I just don’t understand why He doesn’t always do it the way I think He should.  Therefore, I struggle with faith that  He WILL answer the prayers we pour out on Him.
     Thankfully, we serve a God who is gracious beyond our human understanding.  He does answer prayer.  And, I know without a doubt that He will be with Melissa and Fletcher through this entire ordeal, no matter what the outcome.  I want so badly to say I truly believe with all my heart that He WILL heal her completely.  I’m working through that one every day in prayer for them and my own faith.  Their faith is actually teaching me how to be stronger in my own walk with God.  I do not want my friends to suffer one more moment, but I am so grateful that God is using all of this for His Glory in their lives and in the lives of all who love and support them.
     Their lives are put on hold for now with finances totally drained in medical bills, emotions numbed by simple survival instinct, and physical needs beyond anything most of us will ever realize.  Yet, through it all, these two people spread joy in hope for what’s coming, for each new day, and for the relief in a moment without pain.  With their permission, I’m sharing this Facebook link so you might be blessed, as am I, by their abiding faith throughout this marathon:
     Dear Melissa and Fletcher, May God continue to bless you and keep you in His amazing and abiding peace just as He has all your lives.  Thank you for sharing His joy with us through your faith and joy in spite of this marathon. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stationery card

We Are Thankful Fall Greeting
Modern greeting cards and party invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Forgive Much ... Love Much

     I heard an incredible song while driving today - Forgiveness by Matthew West.  It meant so much to me, as if God has purposefully sent it to me at that point in time to help me through a personal struggle.  Struggles have ensued upon all of us at one point or another.  When that happens, how easy is it to forgive those who hurt you?  How easy is it for you to seek your own responsibility as well?

     Jesus taught us to pray, "Forgive us our debts and we forgive our debtors."  I used to think that was a simple request for God to forgive my sins and to help me forgive those who hurt me in return.  But, thanks to a fabulous sermon a couple weeks ago at my church, I learned something far deeper in the meaning of that line:  Forgive my sins against You to same degree as I am willing to forgive those who hurt me.

     God will forgive us our sins when we truly repent.  However, that line in The Lord's Prayer signifies that He will forgive us as much as we offer forgiveness to others.  So, if I forgive those who hurt me but I struggle to mean it from the depth of my heart, then I can not truly understand the depths of forgiveness my Savior offers me for my own transgressions.  The bottom line is this:  Forgive much so you can be forgiven much.  It is only when we truly move to the point of deep, significant, unconditional forgiveness of those who hurt us that we can love them as Jesus directed and understand the same depth of forgiveness from our Savior.  

      Laura Story sings in her song Blessings, "When friends betray us, and darkness seems to win ..."  Have you ever experienced that pain of having a friend betray you or hurt you in such a way that you just wonder if you will ever be able to truly forgive that person?  Perhaps this is one of the most difficult times, where the forgive much comes into play.  Because when a friend betrays you, regardless of the depth of betrayal, that pain is significant.  A loss of a friend's loyalty, honesty, or integrity is painful to the soul - a hurt that is not easily repaired, if ever.  Yet, our ability to forgive that friend's transgression against us is still required.  God doesn't expect us to forget or ever put ourselves back in that harmful situation, but we do have to seek His mercy so that we can truly forgive the person. That often takes a great deal of time and prayer to accomplish.

     One of the best ways to really offer heart-felt forgiveness is to pray for our enemies.  When you spend time in earnest prayer for those who hurt you, it's amazing how much God softens your heart toward them.  Only then can you begin to find God's grace that helps you to truly, and deeply, forgive.  And what if they never apologize or even ask your forgiveness?  What if your debtors don't believe they've done anything wrong?  On the cross, Jesus said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  That's forgiving much ... to the 'nth degree!  So, the answer is obvious.  God has called us to forgive our debtors, regardless of whether they ask for it or ever apologize for their transgressions.  Their own forgiveness is up to them and God, whenever they are ready to go to Him in repentance.  If we forgive much, then the love much overflows from our hearts and we can genuinely begin praying for our transgressors to seek their own forgiveness at that point.

     And the best news of all is this:  When you forgive much, you will love much and be loved much in return.  God's forgiveness is always much, regardless of the depth of our transgressions.  His love is beyond our capacity to understand.  And, when we lean on Him to help us share that depth of forgiveness and love with our debtors, that's when we can know, personally, the depth of His love and forgiveness for us. God has shown me the freedom of truly forgiving much in recent days.  I thank Him for that experience. 

     Take a moment to listen to the words of this song (linked below).  I pray it touches your heart as it did mine, to help you find a way to forgive much for those who've hurt you.  And if you've hurt others, I pray this devotion and song will help you realize your own need to seek God's forgiveness first and then go to those you've hurt as well.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Bigger Picture

            On May 23, 2011, a tornado ravaged Joplin, MO at the same moment God demonstrated His omniscient presence when He spared my daughter and I from a head-on collision with a driver traveling full speed the wrong direction in the far left lane of Missouri Hwy. 270 … the exact lane that I’d been traveling in only a few seconds earlier.  I did not move over because I saw him coming.  It was dark and the oncoming driver’s lights blended in perfectly with the oncoming traffic moving properly on the other side of the busy highway.  Noticing the other drivers flashing their lights,  I thought they were simply warning us of a police presence and that we should slow down.  (We were all traveling rather quickly to get home before the storm blew over St. Louis.)
            I moved over to avoid a speeding ticket, I thought.  Seconds later, as the driver flew past me, I stopped breathing as the reality of what God had just done for Sydni and I.  Flooded with “what ifs,” the next few moments were a blur.  When we finally arrived safely at home, I learned of the tragic devastation in nearby Joplin.  The next few days were blended between confusion and turmoil.  I rejoiced in God’s miraculous intervention; I struggled with a heavy question.  “Why did God spare us but He let that tornado destroy Joplin and so many other lives there?”  I never received a satisfying answer, but in time God comforted me in knowing that His wisdom is beyond my human understanding. 
            Thankfully, God does not so vividly display the caustic reality of His life-saving interventions in our lives every day.  While most of His miracles are incredible, this one was terrifying.  However, the truth is that He does, indeed, provide for our safety … our salvation every day.  Each day I pray for courage, strength, and safety for my family and friends.  But, then, I don’t really stop and take time to observe God answering those prayers.  For awhile that week, I thought that was part of God’s intention … to show me that He is listening and answering my prayers.  But that was just self-centered reflection. 
            Later that week, Sydni and I went to the movie “Soul Surfer.”  At one point in the movie, the youth director states, “We need to stop looking too closely at the things God lays out before us and start looking at His bigger picture.”  Then she quoted one of my favorite verses, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not harm you.  Plans to give you a hope and a future.”  (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)   I realized that while I couldn’t thank God enough for answering my prayers, I’d missed the bigger picture. 
            We live every single day in His safety because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.  God provides life-saving interventions every day – some earthly that we see, some we never realize.  But we always have eternal salvation in our midst.  God didn’t just save Sydni and I that night on the highway; He saves every one of us every day.  That happened 2000 years ago through His Son, Jesus Christ. 
            So, while my heart still skips a beat when I allow my mind to wander back to those oncoming headlights, I am now overwhelmed with joy and praise for my God who already saved our lives and allows us to live in that divine safety each day on earth and, eventually, forever with Him – for a God who gives us a bigger picture if we let Him.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

One Life to Love

Did you buy a lottery ticket a few weeks ago?  Considering the odds of winning, I’m guessing your numbers were not selected.  Do you make it a habit to gamble?  What about gambling away your time?  Your life?  Yes, we all do if we are honest. 

Philippians 3:12-19 (MSG)
Focused on the Goal
 12-14I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.
 15-16So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it.
 17-19Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal. There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. I've warned you of them many times; sadly, I'm having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ's Cross. But easy street is a dead-end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.

Have you come to the point where you’ve bought the lie that you’re about as good as you’re going to get?  Have you stopped working harder to improve your life, and instead just accept yourself now as who you are and ever will be?  Or, do you believe that God can make powerful changes in your life, character, behavior, service to Him, actions, etc. every day of your life?

In life we often settle for less than God wants to give us.  In Jeremiah 29:11, He said, “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you, not harm you.  Plans to give you a hope and a future.”  If God himself has these amazing plans for each of us, why would we quit before He’s blessed us with the abundance He wants to offer His children?   

There’s a story about a man who died and went to Heaven.  When he got there he was thrilled to visit with Peter, but Peter said, “I want to show you something.”  They went to a special house with lots of rooms.  Peter showed the man a room filled with the richest treasures and blessings the man would have ever dreamed of having in his life.  He said, “Are these my treasure now that I’m in Heaven?”  Peter replied, “No, these are the things God wanted to give you on earth, but you never opened your life to Him enough to let Him bestow these upon you.”

In Finding My Smile, Alayna is suffering with severe issues in her life.  She’s angry and withdrawn.  She refuses to let herself get close to anyone or become a part of anything substantial in life because she’s afraid of being hurt if the person or activity lets her down.  A song comes on the radio one day, One Life to Love, by 33 Miles. As she listens to the words, she realizes that God has given her this one amazing life on earth to learn about God's plans and be blessed in His abundant grace. 

Why would we waste what God wants to lavish upon us?  Why would we waste one day of this precious gift He’s given us?  Today, take a moment to really consider how well you are using this one life God has given you.  Are you open to all the wonderful blessings He wants to bestow upon you?  Are you open to the fullness that His body and blood signify in your life?  To the sacrifice He made so you could be complete and full in your life with God?

You only have one life to live and love, don't waste it on anger, pity, or self-doubt.  Give it all to God and let Him pour out blessings you've not even dreamed of this day!

Soli Deo Gloria!

If you would like to hear One Life to Love, by 33 Miles, click on the title above.  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Black Pearls

Larry and I first met Heather and Tom Whipp when they visited the States for their son's wedding.  Knowing only their son's fiance, we were not sure about our decision to house the Whipps for their three-week visit.  Little did we know that our lives would be forever changed by their stories of mission work in the Vanuatu Islands.  Heather and Tom committed their early retired years to the mission work, selling nearly everything they owned to afford a boat and supplies needed for the travel from Brisbane to Vanuatu.  This story is the first in a fictional trilogy incorporating some of their experiences with the tribal people.  I first heard the term Shekinah from the Whipps.  They christened their boat by the name, noting that it was but for God's glorious presence in their lives that they were called to share His message with others.  


Black Pearls, by Heather Whipp

     Black Pearls is the first book in a trilogy by Heather Whipp. Black Pearls begins late in the nineteenth century on a Pacific Island, moves briefly to Australia, before returning to the New Hebrides. It incorporates the key elements of love, envy, greed, prejudice, and faith.
     Having lived for a number of years in the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), the author has been able to portray the physical and fascinating custom side of life in a Pacific island setting. She has reproduced the island atmosphere by painting word pictures of village life so that the reader can almost smell the smoke from the women’s wood fires, hear the beat of the slit drums, and the crash of the surf onto the beach. The author keeps readers absorbed and intrigued as she creates an in-depth picture of a young woman as she faces challenges and heartbreak.
      Black Pearls is an imaginative and powerful story woven around Ellie Griffiths’ idyllic life on a Pacific island, where she resides for the first nineteen years of her life. Ellie, the adoptive daughter of a missionary couple, knows little beyond her innocent existence. One fateful day a ‘recruiting’ ship calls into the island and the hand of tragedy strikes the village and all who live in it. Cruelly invaded by the murderous, black-birding crew, the simplicity of Ellie’s life in her tropical wonderland with its background of jungle-clad mountains, white beaches, and spring-fed waterfalls, is no more. Ellie has only heard of black-birders, but has never seen them. On the surface, nothing about black-birders differentiates them from other seamen calling into Baninga Bay. It is only when the recruiters drop their deception of resting after a severe storm at sea, that Ellie sees how vicious men from a western nation can be. She is thrust into a situation filled with danger when witnessing the abuse of young women. Ellie’s traumatic experience with the black-birders has one saving grace. It is her close childhood friend, Tari Masu, who comes to her rescue.
Although overdue for its visit to the island, the trading vessel, Response, arrives just in time to rescue the villagers, as they make their escape from the black-birding ship. Vernon Brissom, on board Response is the passenger, who caused the ship’s delay. Mr. Brissom, an agriculturalist, has signed a contract to oversee the Baninga villagers in setting up a coconut plantation.
     Not long after Vernon's arrival, Ellie’s natural mother, Laura Griffiths, accepts a government contract to teach in the village. In due course, Vernon and Laura fall in love. They take Ellie with them to Australia for their wedding. Their hope is that once in Australia, which is Ellie’s country of heritage, she will prefer it to life in the Pacific islands.
     Follow the story of Ellie in Black Pearls, as she develops into a mature young woman. Cry with her when she mourns the death of her parents, cheer for her when she outwits the black-birders, laugh with her when she is reunited with her natural mother, feel a thrill when she falls in love, and smile at her reaction when she sees strange and wonderful sights for the first time, in Australia.

You can order an e-copy of Black Pearls at SmashWords.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Former Prison Inmate Honored for Prison Ministry

My friends, Dave & Patty R. volunteer much of their time in prison ministry.  This article is a great story they shared with me about how God can work consistently in the lives of even those with the most hardened of hearts.
Life of crime began at age 5
FORT WORTH, Texas –– Lonnie Bingmon, a man who has been in youth detention centers nine times and in jails or a prison six times, received The President’s Volunteer Service Award for his ministry in prisons.  “Your volunteer service demonstrates the kind of commitment to your community that moves America a step closer to its great promise,” said President Barak Obama in a 2011 letter announcing the honor.
Lonnie understands the needs of those in prison since he has spent years behind bars. His life of crime began at age 5 when he was with two 10-year-old boys who threw a rock through a Dallas bank window. That was the first of his many brushes with the law.

Introduced to Jesus 
 “One day at age 9, I was going through alley and saw a tree with pears on the upper branches,” said Lonnie. “When a little white lady saw me looking at the pears, she got a broom and started knocking some down for me.”
Still today, Lonnie gets a little choked up as he recalls the lady who “was nice to a little black kid.”
The woman invited Lonnie into her house and introduced him to Jesus. “One day you will be a mighty man of God,” she said.
Lonnie returned to visit her on five occasions. “She read the Bible to me, and she sure could cook. Both of her sons were behind bars at that time. Billie Joe was in prison and Jerry was in the county jail.”  While Lonnie wanted to be a “mighty man of God,” he was still under the influence of other boys who showed him quick routes to money and nice things.

A tattered old Bible
In 1979, Lonnie saw some inmates tearing pages out of Bible to roll cigarettes. “Even a crook like me knew nobody should light up Luke or roll up Romans,” he said. “I stole that Bible that night and when I was sent to a Midway, Texas, prison for armed robbery, I took that raggedy Bible with me.”
“I read the story of the prodigal son in that old Bible,” said Lonnie. “My foreign land was prison, and I knew that I could be welcomed home.”  During the four years Lonnie spent in prison, he read from the Bible with the missing pages and later he read a new Bible provided by the prison chaplain.
Bob Hayes, former 100 meter Olympic champion sprinter and Dallas Cowboys football player, was in prison with Lonnie. One day, Lonnie told him, “You may be the fastest man on the planet but you couldn’t outrun God.”
“You’re right,” Hayes replied.  Hayes may have been denied entrance to the NFL Hall of Fame because of his imprisonment for illegal drug use.
While in prison, Lonnie became a certified welder. “I had 876 hours of welding time,” he reports.  In 1981, after being released from prison, Lonnie received a job as a welder after he voluntarily repaired a damaged gate. “I was glad to show what I could do,” he recalls.
Shot in head 
On Jan. 15, 1982, Lonnie got out of a cab and saw his little brother, Paul, and George McAlister going into Caesar’s Palace. “I asked the doorman if I could speak to the men who just walked in,” said Lonnie. “Before I knew it a guy pulled a gun and we started tussling and as I tried to leave I was shot in the right side of my head.”
Rushed to the hospital by ambulance, members of Lonnie’s family were told they should make funeral arrangements.  “My father, a three-time loser who had also been shot in the back and later became an ordained pastor, said, ‘If God can deliver me, he can deliver my son.’
“I recall seeing a shining figure on the other side of the room,” said Lonnie. “He said, ‘Peace . . . Be still . . . It’s not your time. . . . You have work to do.’”  Lonnie lost his left eye and he is partially paralyzed on the left side, but he proved the physicians wrong and his father right. It is still difficult for him to walk and he has trouble lifting his left arm.
His early attempts to find a church home were disappointing. “You should be with your own kind,” some church members told him. “You just don’t fit in.”  For 18 months, Lonnie wandered the streets. His mother suffered a heart attack and 13 family members died in a 15-year period.  “I was angry, frustrated and depressed,” said Lonnie.
Work in food pantry
After finally refusing to take any more drugs, Lonnie walked into Calvary Baptist Church, and told them he wanted someone to pray with him. “I know you are here to see Dixie,” said a church member.
Dixie Gross managed the food and shelter center. “I’ve come for prayer, not food,” said Lonnie. At that point Dixie and her three children, ages 5, 8, and 10, placed their hands on him and prayed for him. “God, give Lonnie another chance,” they prayed.
Lonnie worked in that food pantry for the following three years. “I even asked God to forgive the guy who shot me,” he said.

Move to Fort Worth
In 2000, after his mother died, Lonnie moved from Dallas to Fort Worth where he found his way to Alliance UMC. It was there that he engaged in a life-changing Walk to Emmaus in 2003.  It was also in the Alliance church that Lonnie met Mike Springer, chairman of the Texas State Chapter of Kairos Prison Ministry (
When Mike asked Lonnie if he would be interested in participating in a prison ministry team, Lonnie responded. “Brother, I’ve been looking for this my whole life.”
“And I’ve been looking for you,” said Mike.
“In 2004, I went to my first Kairos meeting and I’ve been rolling ever since,” said Lonnie.

A mighty man of God
The lady with the pear tree promised Lonnie that someday he would be a mighty man of God. Even President Obama now recognizes that her promise has come true.
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